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Acta Amazonica, Volume: 7, Issue: 1, Published: 1977
  • A Cartilha da Amazônia Editorial

    Kerr, Warwick Estevam
  • Os nomes e usos de palmeiras entre uma tribo de índios Yanomama Botânica

    Anderson, Anthony B.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Referências sobre 20 principais espécies de palmeiras utilizadas pelos Xiriana-teri, uma tribo de índios Yanomama, localizada ao norte do Estado do Amazonas, Brasil. Os nomes comuns (indígenas e brasileiros) e científicos de cada espécie são mencionados. Os usos que os Xiriana-teri fazem das palmeiras são examinados detalhadamente, concluindo-se que eles as utilizam em grau muito menor do que outras tribos de diversas regiões tropicais da América do Sul. Em grande parte, isso é devido aos aspectos materiais de sua cultura, bastante rudimentares em relação a outras tribos. Também, segundo observações do autor, houve no passado uma superexploração de espécies economicamente importantes nas proximidades da aldeia, o que é um fator importante na limitação atual dos usos que os Xiriana-teri fazem das palmeiras.

    Abstract in English:

    Summary This paper presents an examination of 20 of the major palm species utilized by a tribe of Yanomama Indians, the so-called Xiriana-teri, in the north of Amazonas state, Brazil. The Indian, Brazilian, and scientific names for each species are provided. The Xiriana-teri's uses of palms are examined in detail, and it is found that they utilize palms to a far lesser degree than do many other South American tribes. To a large extent this is due to the material aspect of their culture, which is rudimentary in comparison with other forest tribes. But the author maintains that, to some extent, palms are utilized to a lesser degree by the Xiriana-teri due to past over-exploitation of economically important species in the area adjacent to the village.
  • Besouros, parasitóides e Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae): Um estudo sobre discriminação de hospedeiro Ecologia

    Carrol, C. Ronald

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O besouro Slolas sp. (família Chrysomelidae), herbívoro tanto quando larva como adulto, preda a trepadeira Ipomoea asarifolia. Ao redor de Manaus, em média 86% de seus agrupamentos de ovos foram completamente parasitados pela vespa Emersonella neveipes (Eulophideae). A vespa é forética em besouros fêmeas. Em comparação com besouros do campo que não possuem vespas foréticas, os besouros em associação com vespas apresentam as seguintes características: (1) produziram ovos mais cedo, (2) produziram mais agrupamentos de ovos e (3) tiveram esperança de vida, em laboratório, mais curta. E. neveipes também ataca Chelymorphe cassidea. Como Stolas sp. não se alimenta de folhagem de batata-doce e não ocorre em campo onde há batata-doce, poderia ser um hospedeiro substituto, inofensivo e útil. para o Emersonella neveipes. Como algumas espécies de Convolvulaceae são importantes ervas daninhas para as plantações, os besouros Cassidenae, que comem a sua folhagem, podem ter um papel útil na supressão dessas ervas daninhas. Qualquer programa de controle biológico, para a supressão das pestes que atacam a batata-doce, deve favorecer a proliferação das ervas daninhas nocivas que sejam controladas pela fauna herbívora das batatas-doces.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The cassid beetle, Stolas sp., is an abundant leaf-eating herbivore, both as larva and adult, on the vine, Ipomoea asarifolia, a wild relative of the sweet potato. In the region around Manaus (Amazonas State, Brazil), an average of 86% of the egg clutches were completely parasitized by the eulophid, Emersonella neveipes. The wasp is phoretic on female beetles. In comparison with field beetles that lacked phoretic wasps, beetles in association with wasps (1) produced eggs sooner. (2) produced more egg clutches, and (3) had a shorter laboratory life expectancy. Host discrimination by the wasp is probably an active process rather than a passive association with randomly encountered beetles. Emersonella neveipes also attacks Chelymorpha cassidea, a pest of sweet potato. Since Stolas sp. does not, as adults, feed on sweet potato foliage and does not occur in sweet potato fields, it could provide a useful innocuous alternate host for Emersonella neveipes. Since some species in the Convolvulaceae are important weeds in field crops, foliage-feeding cassid beetles may play a useful role in weed suppression. Any biological control program for the suppression of sweet potato pests may favor the spread of those noxious weeds that share the herbivore fauna of sweet potatoes.
  • Influências culturais e ecológicas na produtividade agrícola ao longo da Transamazônica () Ecologia

    Smith, Nigel J. H.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo O trabalho revê a tentativa dirigida pelo INCRA para escoar os excedentes populacionais de outras regiões do Brasil e instalá-los ao longo do trajeto em terra firme da Transamazônica, concentrando-se nos problemas de produtividade agrícola encontrados num meio pioneiro na mata. Particular atenção é conferida a sistemas rentáveis de produção agrícola, uma vez que um dos objetivos do plano de colonização era fornecer oportunidades a lavradores sem terras e flagelados para se tornarem fazendeiros. Os problemas culturais e ecológicos associados com a exploração agrícola são examinados no período 1970-1975.

    Abstract in English:

    Summary The paper reviews the government-directed attempt to siphon surplus populations from other regions of Brazil and to settle them along the upland transect of the Transamazon by focusing on problems of agricultural productivity encountered by colonists in a pioneer rain forest environment. Particular attention is paid to cash cropping systems, since one of the objectives of the settlement scheme was to provide opportunities for landless peasants and flagelados to become entrepreneurial farmers. The cultural and ecological problems associated with farming are examined for the period 1970-1975.
  • Algumas ações biológicas do 1-(p-metoxibenzil)-6,7-metilenodioxiisoquinolina Fitoquímica

    Meirelles, Urbano M. F.; Simioni, Léa Rodrigues; Magalhães, Aderbal F.; Reis, Francisco A. M.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo São descritos resultados preliminares obtidos pela análise de propriedades biológicas do 1-(p-metoxibeszil)-6,7-metilenodioxiisoquinolina (MMI Q), extraído de uma Lauraceae, gênero Ocotea, das redondezas de Manaus, AM.

    Abstract in English:

    Summary In this report we describe preliminary results about some biological properties of 1-(p-Methoxybenzyl) - 6,7 - methylenedioxyisoquinoline extracted from a species of Ocotea (Lauraceae) which grows near Manaus, AM.
  • The chemistry of Brazilian Lauraceae XLVI. Notes on Aniba species Fitoquímica

    Diaz, Aura M. P. de; Gottlieb, Otto R.; Magalhães, Aderbal F.; Magalhães, Eva G.; Maia, José G. S.; Santos, Celira C.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo A madeira do tronco das espécies amazônicas Aniba affinis, A. cylindriflora e A. mas contém respectivamente neolignanas benzofuranoídicas (e uma biciclo [3, 2, 1] octanoídica previamente desconhecida), 6-estiril-2-pironas e 6-estiril-4-metoxi-2-pironas.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract Aniba affinis, A. cylindriflora and A. mas (Lauraceae) were found to contain respectively benzofuranoid (and a previously unknown bicyclo [3, 2, 1] octanoid) neolignans, 6-styryl-2-pyrones and 6-styryl-4-methoxy-2-pyrones.
  • The chemical composition of Amazonian plants ( Fitoquímica

  • Estimativa quantitativa da resposta à clortetraciclina em um caso grave de disenteria por Balantidium coli Patologia Tropical

    Rees, R. G. P.; Shelley, A. J.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Feita uma tentativa de determinar a eficácia terapêutica da clortetraciclina em um caso grave de disenteria por Balantidium. Foram feitas várias estimativas da população de trofozoitos de Balantidium, a partir de fezes de 24 horas, antes e durante o tratamento de 4 dias com a droga. Houve uma redução marcante no número de parasitas eliminados durante o tratamento, associada a uma melhora clínica significativa nas condições da paciente.

    Abstract in English:

    Summary The therapeutic efficiency of chlortetracyclines for the treatment of Balantidial dysentery was tested in a Yanomama indian. Parasite counts were made on 24 hour samples of the patient's faeces, before treatment and on the third and fourth day of treatment. A marked reduction in parasite counts was seen during treatment associated with an improvement in the patient's condition.
  • Leishmanias of Neotropical Porcupines: Leishmania hertigi deanei nov. subsp. Patologia Tropical

    Lainson, R.; Shaw, J. J.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Sumário Isolamento de Leishmania foi obtido de 11 em 18 porcos-espinhos da área geral de Ponta de Pedras, ilha do Marajó. Estado do Pará, Norte do Brasil. Dois dos animais infectados eram Coendou prehensilis (Linnaeus), e os outros 9 foram considerados como sendo uma espécie ainda não descrita de Coendou. O parasita está claramente relacionado à L. hertigi Herrer, do porco-espinho do Panamá, C. rothschildi Thomas, porém existem diferenças morfológicas, sorológicas e bioquímicas, que tornam necessária a distinção taxonomica desse organismo. Desta maneira, o novo parasita encontrado no Brasil foi chamado Leishmania hertigi deanei nov. subsp., em homenagem ao Dr. Leonidas Deane, que foi o primeiro a registrá-lo em porco-espinhos do Estado do Piauí, Brasil. Da mesma maneira que a L. hertigi hertigi, a L. hertigi deanei não produz efeitos patológicos visíveis em seu hospedeiro natural. Raros amastigotos, freqüentemente isolados, são encontrados na pele e nas vísceras. Usualmente são detectados apenas in vitro, por cultivo de tecidos em meio de agar-sangue, nos quais a L. h. deanei apresenta crescimento rápido. Tentativas para infectar hamsters e cobaias com forma de amastigotos e de promastigotos não tiveram êxito. O flebótomo vetor do parasita ainda é desconhecido.

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract A leishmanial parasite was isolated from 11 of 18 porcupines from the general area of Ponta de Pedras, Island of Marajó, Pará State, north Brazil. Two of the infected animals were identified as Coendou prehensilis (Linnaeus), and the other 9 are considered as a hitherto undescribed species of Coendou. The organism is clearly related to L. hertigi Herrer, of the Panamanian porcupine C. rothschildi Thomas, but morphological, serological and biochemical differences necessitate taxonomic distinction. The Brazilian parasite is therefore named Leishmania hertigi deanei nov. subsp., in honour of Dr. Leonidas Deane who first recorded it in porcupines from Piaui, Brazil. Lake L. h. hertigi, L. h. deanei produces no visible pathological effects in its natural host. Scanty amastigotes are scattered, often singly, throughout the skin and in the viscera; usually they can be detected only after the in vitro culture of tissues in "blood-agar medium, in which L. h. deanei grows readily. Attempts to infect hamsters and a guinea-pig with amastigote and promastigote forms were unsuccessful. The sandfly vector of the parasite is unknown.
  • Lutzomyia sand flies in the subgenus Evandromyia Mangabeira with descriptions of a new species from Brazil (Diptera: Psychodidae) () Zoologia

    Young, David G.; Arias, Jorge R.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Sumário Flebótomos do género Lutzomyia, subgenero Evandromyia Mang. são separados em dois grupos; os da Série infraspinosa e os da Série monstruosa. Estes são definidos e todas as espécies são catalogadas. Uma nova espécie brasileira, L. inpai, é descrita e ilustrada. A seguinte chave para machos adultos do subgênero Evandromyia é incluída: Chave para machos adultos do Subgênero Evandromyia (*)

    Abstract in English:

    Abstract The Lutzomyia sand flies in the subgenus Evandromyia Mang. are separated into two groups — the Series infraspinosa and the Series monstruosa. These are defined and the included species are catalogued. A Brasilian species, L. inpai n. sp. is described and illustrated. An identification key to the adult Evandromyia males is provided.
  • Rhodnius paraensis espécie nova do Estado do Pará, Brasil (Hemiptera, Reduviidae, Triatominae) () Zoologia

    Sherlock, Ítalo A.; Guitton, Neide; Miles, Michael

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Os Autores descrevem o Rhodnius paraensis nova espécie com base em 18 exemplares coletados nos arredores de Belém, Estado do Pará, Brasil. A nova espécie é facilmente diferenciada das outras espécies pelo tamanho e por possuir marcações anelares claras nas patas e ter o processo do pigóforo semibifurcado.

    Abstract in English:

    Summary Rhodnius paraensis n. sp. is described based on 18 especimens collected near the city of Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. This species is easily separated from the other species of Rhodnius because its small size, the existence of light spot rings on its legs and the shape of the pigophore.
  • Centros de evolução, refúgios quaternários e conservação de patrimônios genéticos na região neotropical: padrões de diferenciação em Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) () Zoologia

    Brown Jr, Keith S.

    Abstract in Portuguese:

    Resumo Analisam-se padrões geográficos de evolução e diferenciação (por pressão de mimetismo Mülleriano) em 162 espécies de Heliconiini e Ithomiinae na região neotropical (com revisão sistemática e biológica, e descrição de novos taxas), representando 905 entidades diferenciadas, um milhão de dados distribucionais e 2.832 localidades. Isto indica 50 principais centros de evolução e endemismo de floresta tropical (fenômenos biológicos empíricos e dedutivos). São empregados critérios climatológicos, topográficos, pedológicos e botânicos na proposição de 38 correspondentes refúgios florestais (fenômenos históricos indutivos), que atuaram na preservação e diferenciação de populações silvícolas durante o último período longo de clima frio e seco (20.000 — 13.000 anos a.p.). São analisadas as variações nas relações entre biotas em diferentes refúgios, no modo de ação dos refúgios sobre diferentes organismos, nas respostas das populações desses organismos, na conservação atual dos padrões de diferenciação em espécies diferentes, e na integridade passada e presente das áreas refugiais. Conclui-se que (1) a determinação de centros generalizados de evolução de biotas é relativamente fácil, desde que haja número suficiente de dados geográficos e uma sistemática adequada para identificação de linhas monofiléticas nos organismos vicariantes analisados; e (2) a determinação de refúgios florestais é muito mais complicada. Todas as informações disponíveis levam a crer que estes refúgios ocorreram em regiões diferentes durante diversos ciclos climáticos do passado, e que foram fenômenos quantitativos e não qualitativos, onde as condições ecológicas determinaram uma probabilidade maior de preservação e diferenciação do que de extinção da maioria das populações silvícolas. É discutida a estratégia mais indicada para melhor preservação da diversidade genética neotropical, que deverá combinar elementos teóricos e pragmáticos. Dos 38 refúgios propostos, apenas 15 já incluem parques nacionais ou reservas biológicas efetivas, enquanto 22 são muito modificados pela ação do homem, e um (Guaporé) poderá ser totalmente destruído antes de serem minimamente conhecida sua flora e fauna endêmicas.

    Abstract in English:

    Summary By examination of 162 species of Neotropical Heliconiini and Ithomiinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), representing 905 differentiated entities, an analysis was developed of their geographical patterns of evolution and differentiation, under selective pressure of Müllerian mimicry. The results of this analysis were used to expand and revise concepts derived from recent work on a variety of Neotropical animals and plants, which have indicated that entire biotas evolved in selected localities of tropical forest which, though contiguous today, were isolated as refuges during past dry climatic cycles. Approximately one million distributional data from 2,832 different localities in ail regions of Central and South America were used to prepare maps of polytypic species and species-groups, which indicated the existence, in these organisms, of 50 principal forest centers of evolution and endemism (which are defined as empirical and deductive, present-day biological phenomena). Climatological, palynological, topographical, pedological (especially useful) and botanical criteria, as well as considerations from theoretical ecology and population genetics (especially characteristics expected from r and K selection on the populations and the reflections of these on the community level) were applied to these centers of evolution. This led to the proposal of corresponding but smaller areas, recognizable as forest refuges (inductive biogeographical phenomena with a climatological, geological, and historical basis). These presumably acted during the last major dry, cold spell in the Quaternary, between 20,000 and 13.000 years b.p. There were discovered 38 such refuges (plus at least 20 additional subrefuges), as well as a medium-elevation area on the eastern slopes of the Andes, which apparently acted in the preservation and differentiation of forest populations during this period of unfavorable climate. Five present-day islands and various remnant forests could also be identified; they showed biotas less differentiated than those of the proposed refuges, suggesting that their evolution is more recent. The remnant forests show the disruption of links between the Atlantic forest island in Pernambuco and the Belém refuge area (probably after the climatic optimum of 6,000-7,000 years b.p.) and between the Bahia, Araguaia and Guaporé/Rondônia refuges (probably in the more distant past). The variations observed in the presumed number, position, and period of action of the refuges, in the relations among species and biotas in the different refuge areas, in the mode of action of the refuges on differentiating organisms with different population characteristics, in the responses of the forest populations of these organisms, in the presently observable patterns of differentiation conserved in species with different competitive and dispersal characteristics, and in the past and present integrity of the refugiai areas, suggest the following conclusions: (1) The determination of centers of evolution for vicariant organisms is relatively easy, provided that there exist sufficient geographical data and an adequate systematic organization to permit identification of monophyletic lines. To the extent that the number of organisms analyzed increases, the number of recognizable centers of evolution also increases, reaching a stable limit only when the areas begin to overlap, and appear as subunits of a single generalizable center. This point was reached in the present work, as the 50 centers are observed in a number of subunits of the two taxonomic groups analyzed. Ecological parameters vary appreciable among the species, as do the genetic architectures of the populations; this results in very diverse present-day differentiation patterns, all however understandable in terms of the centers of evolution proposed. (2) The determination of forest refuges for the same organisms is much more difficult. They are evidently not constant for different past dry cycles; the present patterns of topography, soils, and climate, as well as biotic relationships, show primarily the effects of the most recent forest retraction, but other relationships are indicated which can only be understood by assuming different refuge patterns in previous cycles. The refuges appear to have been quantitative and statistical, not qualitative phenomena. Pedological and botanical studies indicate that they differed from interrefugial regions only in their greater continuity of optimal forest habitat. Thus, refuges were regions where ecological conditions determined that the probability for the conservation and differentiation of the majority of forest populations would be greater than that for their extinction. During dry periods, the mosaic of favorable (closed) and unfavorable (open) forest habitats was biased towards the former in the refuges and towards the latter between them, but smaller and more scattered forest enclaves existed in non-refuge regions just as non-forest habitat existed within refuges. The resulting irregular distribution of forest species, and non-homogeneity of the coevolving forest biotas, led to variable biogeographical patterns observable today, introducing considerable "noise" into the analysis of the differentiation patterns of restricted groups or individual species. For best preservation of the widest range of gene pools which would represent the unique and incomparable diversity of the Neotropical forest flora and fauna developed over many millions of years, both theoretical and pragmatic criteria should be adopted. The data-base for determination of forest refuges is probably still too narrow to permit the exclusive use of the resulting models for assigning of priorities for habitat conservation. Furthermore, many important, restricted endemic species, especially "r-selected" populations with the high productivity usually sought by man, are not forest denizens, but evolved in more variable or marginal habitats. Even in the typical deep-forest biota, it may be shown that many of the rarest and most primitive species occur in marginal areas of heterogeneous and suboptimal habitat, where they can presumably still compete with their younger and more vigorous relatives. Such perirefugial regions of widely variable topography, soils, and plant formations are well known to contain the richest and most diverse flora and fauna in the Neotropics. Thus, until more complete data can be gathered on a wide sample of Neotropical biotas, the best strategy would seem to be preservation of as much as possible of what primary habitats still remain. As intensive scientific studies reveal the characteristics of different regions some could be unconditionally liberated for human occupation, others opened for limited and rational colonization, and others permanently closed to penetration by man, constituting biotic and geological reserves. These reserves should correspond to broadly based models of forest refuges indicated in diverse groups of plants and animals, but should also be confirmed as exceptionally rich areas of high endemism, and include specialized non-forest habitats and complete river headwater basins. And, as even such refuges will not guarantee preservation of all the genetic variability present, a policy of restricted occupation should be enforced in other regions, within the present law which prohibits destruction of headwater basins and cutting on steep slopes, and requires permanent preservation of 50% of the original vegetation in all areas. Of the 38 refuges proposed in this paper, three (Marañón, Ventuari and Araguaia) are already greatly fragmented by the presentday deteriorating climate conditions, and another thirteen show high percentages of suboptimal forest. This indicates that the next dry cycle will probably follow the past pattern in showing refuges in differing positions, determined by different continental climate patterns, in relation to those operative before the present interglacial; this should lead to widespread extinction of extant biotas already greatly reduced today. Effective biological reserves exist in only 15 of the 38 refuge areas, though plans already exist for preservation of some others. Among the possible protected biotas appear only one of the seven known in Colombia, five of the seven in Venezuela, four of the seven in Peru (with two more proposed or underway), and five of the fourteen known in Brazil. Seven refuges are so small in size, that their total destruction could occur very easily; only two of these (Chiriqui, Imataca) have protected areas today, but both these are already heavily cut over. Twenty-two of the refuge areas, including six of the smallest ones, have already been greatly modified by the intervention of man; one of these (Guaporé), in southwestern Brazil, still almost unknown to scientists and including many unique Andean elements in its biota, is in the last stages of total destruction by ranching interests; it should constitute the first large South American biota to disappear before being minimally studied by biologists. A revision of the first four tribes of the Ithomiinae (Tithoreini, Melinaeini, Mechanitini and Napeogenini) was undertaken, to supplement those published without adequate biological data, in 1956-71 by Fox and Fox and Real. All the genera in the subfamily were classified biologically, with habitat and foodplants specified for most of the genera revised. Complete revisions of Roswellia and Tithorea included the correct placement of "Athesis clearista" vitrala Kaye sensu Fox as a subspecies of Roswellia acrisione, with morphological and biological data based on six specimens captured in December 1975 in northwestern Peru (multiplying by four the number known); and ressuscitation of a number of good geographical subspecies of Tithorea tarricina and T. harmonia synonymized by Fox, with description of the new subspecies T.t. franciscoi (Sierra Perijá and San Juan de Colon, northwestern Venezuela), T. h. dorada (Bolivar, southeastern Venezuela), and T h. gilberti (Jaén, on the upper rio Marañón in northwestern Peru). A new subspecies of the Andean Eutrtesis hypereia (E. h. imeriensis) was described from the Pico da Neblina in northwestern Brazil. Complete revisions of Melinaea and Mechanitis, already in publication, reduced the number of species from 19 and 9 to 7 and 5, respectively. Scada echo Fox was synonymized with S. theaphia, and the distribution of S. karschina delicata, known only from the pair of types labelled "Brazil", was fixed in Pernambuco, through the discovery of two more males in public collections. Preliminary revisions of Hypothyris and Napeogenes reduced the number of species in these two genera from 33 and 45 to 16 and 19, respectively, with indication of 25 new subspecies and two new species; one of these (Hypothyris lema, from higher elevations in Bolívar, in extreme southeastern Venezuela) was described.
  • Sementes de Hevea para alimentação humana Notas & Comunicações

    Wheeler, Louis C.
  • Uma nova Cabomba do rio Negro, Amazonas, Brasil Notas & Comunicações

    Rataj, Karel
  • Vantagens e problemas da introdução de peixes alienígenas na piscicultura do Brasil Notas & Comunicações

    Nomura, Hitoshi
  • Resistência do Plasmodium falciparum às cloroquinas no Estado do Amazonas, detectada pelo método in vitro ( Notas & Comunicações

    Ferraroni, José João; Waki, Seiji; Suzuki, Mamoru
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia Av. André Araujo, 2936 Aleixo, 69060-001 Manaus AM Brasil, Tel.: +55 92 3643-3030, Fax: +55 92 643-3223 - Manaus - AM - Brazil