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Foliar nutrient contents in cultivars of Coffea arabica L. at condensed spacings

Coffee-tree condensed plantings provide reduction in the loss of the soil nutrients by erosion, lixiviation and oxidation of the organic matter, and even increase nutrient recycling. This experiment aimed evaluates the influence of different spacing among rows on the nutrient foliar contents of coffee-tree varieties, and was performed in randomized blocks with 24 treatments and six replications. The employed varieties IAC 44, IAC 99, MG 1192, Katipó, MG 6851 and UFV 3880 were planted with a spacing of 0,75 m among plants and 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 and 2,5m among rows. Each plot was composed of 4 rows of 4,50 m of length, being the evaluations realized in two inner rows. At the beginning of the experiment the soil was plowed for incorporation of the limestone. The seedlings were planted in holes of 0,30 x 0,30 x 0,40 m. At the planting each hole received 200g of Natural Phosphate of Araxá, 50g of Simple Super phosphate. 15 days after the planting each plant received 2 L/hole of cattle manure. The reminded fertilizations were made according to the usual procedures for coffee-plant orchards. Samples of leaves were collected and analyzed to determine the macro and micronutrient contents 21 and 34 months after planting. It was concluded that the condensed planting influenced the foliar contents of P, K and Mg 34 months after the panting.

Coffea arabica L.; condensed; macronutrientes; micronutrientes; trail analysis

Editora da Universidade Federal de Lavras Editora da UFLA, Caixa Postal 3037 - 37200-900 - Lavras - MG - Brasil, Telefone: 35 3829-1115 - Lavras - MG - Brazil