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The place of opinion. The city and the spaces for social production of public opinion

As much as the term “public sphere” may induce us to think that this concept is bound to physically built public spaces, this is not actually true. In spite of this, having the work of the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas, “The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society” as the conceptual background, this article aims to identify some environments that, in the long trajectory of the cities’ history, served as a stage for the development of discussions and for the affirmation of collective ideas. Thus, it aims to recognize urban places which have historically involved the social production of public opinion and the new media environments that have this purpose.

public opinion; urban history; public sphere; cities; public space

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo Rua Ministro de Godói, 969 - 4° andar - sala 4E20 - Perdizes, 05015-001 - São Paulo - SP - Brasil , Telefone: (55-11) 94148.9100 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil