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The trajectory of a public service for alcohol and drug addicts in Vitória: the case of the CPTT

The aim of this case study is to analyze the Center for Prevention and Treatment of Alcohol and Drug Addiction (CPTT)/Psychosocial Care Center in Drugs and Alcohol (CAPS ad), and to reflect about the implementation process of the local addiction recovery policy for drug users and alcoholics. A document research was performed using as sources the CPTTs mid-year/annual and/or management reports and articles about the service. Data were analyzed using a priori and a posteriori content analysis. The CPTT, a health service of the government of the city of Vitória, was created in 1992 as a psychosocial service. The services provided by the CPTT include individual care, daily group activities and reception and follow-up groups. Today, the situation in the CPTT is characterized by precarious employment relations for most of the professionals working there. The trajectory of the implementation of the CPTT in the city of Vitória expresses two contradictory features: on one hand the advances made in the implementation of the public policy for prevention and treatment of drug and alcohol abuse, and on the other hand the challenge posed by the lack of a human resources policy capable of putting in effect the advances proposed by the policy.

Mental health; Drug and alcohol addiction care policy; CAPS ad

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