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Sexuality and adolescents with mental disability: a review

The objective of this article is to discuss the sexuality of the mentally retarded adolescent and its consequences within the family. It is based on articles from Bireme, written from 1990 to 2003, related to the sexuality of the adolescents with intellectual disability, as well as the impacts of the adolescence period on the family. The articles show that during this period of development, the parents of the adolescents with intellectual disability face challenges regarding their children's social integration, with the genital sexual awakening being of greatest concern. The papers reinforce that there is still a great deal of prejudice regarding sexuality. It is also clear that parents are uncomfortable dealing with, and even fear, the sexual expression of the adolescents with intellectual disability, especially masturbation. The fear of sexual abuse and potential pregnancy raises the issue of contraception of the girls with mental disability, including definitive sterilization. Further readings on the subject state that the development of sexuality happens both in adolescents with mental disorders or not, however there are attributes that differentiate both groups. We conclude that ample discussion on issues of sexuality with parents and mentally retarded adolescents is likely to contribute to a less risky and stigmatized sexuality, consequently more satisfactory.

Intellectual disability; Adolescence; Sexuality; Sexual abuse

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