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The applicability of the ecology of knowledge in health and environment and its permeability in the scientific literature

A new epistemology makes it imperative for different knowledge to be incorporated in order to understand and interact with the complex problems that affect humanity, especially those associated with health and the environment. The study aims to explore the applicability of the ecology of knowledge in the midst of traditional scientific literature, focusing on participatory approaches to questions of health and the environment. The methodology involved a bibliographic review of an international scientific database, with the inclusion of 170 papers that were classified by their participatory approaches as: timely; multi-tool; and ongoing/cyclic. Although timely and multi-tool approaches may be effective in terms of aggregating popular knowledge, which is systematically marginalized by traditional science, it is in the ongoing/cyclic approaches that a higher level of potential dialogue is achieved, since it is possible to identify aspects inherent to more symmetric participation processes, with the prospect of empowerment of the social actors and legitimate incorporation of subjectivity and diversity. This corresponds to the premise that promoting global cognitive justice is indispensable for achieving global social justice.

Community-based participatory research; Environmental health; Knowledge; attitudes, and practices in health

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