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An overview of the variations surrounding the concept of medicalization between 1950 and 2010

This article examines the pertinence of the concept of medicalization for socio-cultural analysis. The study is based on the criticism which emerged in the international literature between 2000 and 2010. The criticism stressed the excessive generality of the expression that encompasses different situations and thereby loses its analytical precision. The main meanings of the term medicalization are examined, namely 1) the major strategies of hygienization of the population; 2) the transformation of behavior considered deviant into disorders; 3) control strategies and the medical imperative; 4) the participation of non-medical actors. Based on the different meanings of the notion of medicalization, the transient nature of the concept needs to be stressed, i.e. the need to specify the different meanings attributed to the notion depending on the different contexts in which it is used. If this is not done, the concept will lose its theoretical accuracy and will possibly no longer be useful for social analysis.

Medicalization; History; Tendencies

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