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The experience of human autonomy: health and subjectivity. Canguilhem and Freud facing the objectification of suffering

The article examines the notions of health and illness elaborated by the approaches of G. Canguilhem. These are analyzed addressing Freudian hypotheses concerning neurosis, normality and mental illness. In particular, the concept of normativity in G. Canguilhem’s philosophy is approached, establishing a dialogue with the notions of symptom and illness in Freudian texts. In this framework, relevance is given to the relationship between symptom and fantasy as phenomena that highlight the creativity of the living being. It is specified that this creativity is expressed in a differentiated way in the organization of neurotic and psychotic pictures. Finally, through the ideas exposed by A. Badiou, the tension between the objective and subjective dimension of the subject is analyzed as a logical substratum of the critique that can be established of the natural-scientific procedures of medicine and its eagerness to objectify the clinical experience.

Vital normativity; fantasy; fixation; subject; health; disease

Associação Universitária de Pesquisa em Psicopatologia Fundamental Av. Onze de Junho, 1070, conj. 804, 04041-004 São Paulo, SP - Brasil - São Paulo - SP - Brazil