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Differences in the whistle characteristics and repertoire of Bottlenose and Spinner Dolphins

Several methods have been used to compare the whistles produced by dolphins. The two methods used in this study are: (1) a classification of whistle contours in six categories (i.e. constant frequency, upsweep, downsweep, concave, convex, and sine) and (2) the extraction of frequency and time parameters from each whistle contour. Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus whistles are described in the same way when comparing whistle contour distributions in each of the six categories and whistle frequency and time parameters using Discriminant Function Analysis. For Spinner Dolphin Stenella longirostris whistles, each method describes whistles differently. Several facts may explain these differences in describing dolphin whistles, such as a greater fluidity of Spinner Dolphin groups when compared to Bottlenose Dolphin groups, greater geographic variation in the whistles of Bottlenose Dolphins than in those of Spinner Dolphins, an average beginning frequency 16% lower than the average ending frequency in Spinner Dolphin whistles compared to a varied relationship for Bottlenose Dolphins, and stricter criteria used to define whistle contour categories in the study of Spinner Dolphin whistles than in the Bottlenose Dolphin whistle study.

whistle characteristics; classification methods; whistle comparison; geographic variations; Delphinidae

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