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Morphological aspects of fruits, seeds, and seedling and sapling development of Unonopsis lindmanii Fries (Annonaceae)

Unonopsis lindmanii is a small tree restricted to riparian forests in Central Brazil. Here we describe the morphological characteristics of the fruits and seeds, and the development of seedlings. The multiple, indehiscent fruits are apocarpous, unattached to one another, with a fleshy pericarp, and the seeds are darkish brown and discoid in shape, with an ornamented, rugose tegument. Germination is slow and irregular, and rates are very low in the germination chamber (3%). They are high in the greenhouse (70%) suggesting positive photoperiodism. Initial seedling morphology is cryptocotyledonar-epigeous. Saplings have simple, alternate leaves with short petioles, and are symmetric, membranous, and elliptical. The venation pattern is of the brochidodrome-camptodrome type. These results help to identify the species in the field, and may also contribute to community description studies. Because it is dispersed by birds, this species is an excellent option for use in restoration projects of degraded areas.

Unonopsis lindmanii; fruits; seeds; germination; venation pattern

Sociedade Botânica do Brasil SCLN 307 - Bloco B - Sala 218 - Ed. Constrol Center Asa Norte CEP: 70746-520 Brasília/DF. - Alta Floresta - MT - Brazil