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Analysis of the intra-hospital attending of ventricular fibrilation/ventricular taquicardia simulated events

OBJECTIVE: To analyze the time intervals between the beginning of the Ventricular Fibrilation/Ventricular Taquicardia (VF/VT) and the main procedures made. METHODS: Twenty VF/VT simulations were performed and filmed in a hospital environment, using a static mannequin, on random days at random times. All teams had the same level of skills. The times (in sec.) related to basic life support (BLS) - arrival of the team (AT), confirmation of the arrest (CAT), beginning of the CPR (IT) and the times related to the advanced life support (ALS) - 1st defibrillation (DT), 1st dose of adrenalin (AT) and orotracheal intubation (OTIT). The variables were analyzed and compared in two groups: intensive care unit (ICU) and wards with telemetry (TLW). RESULTS:The results in both groups was in that order (GW x ICU ) - AT (70.2+38.7 x 38.6+49.2); CCA (89.4+57.1 x 71+63.9); SC (166.8+81.1 x 142+66.2); FD (282.5+142.8 x 108.4+52.5); FE (401.4+161.7 x 263.3+122.8) e OI (470.3+150.6x278.8+98.8). Shows the comparison of the average times between the two groups. CONCLUSION: The differences noted in relation to DT, AT and OTIT favorable to ICU are associated to the facility of performance of the ALS maneuvers in such environment. The BLS-related times were similar in both groups, which reinforce the need for the use of semi-automatic defibrillators, even in a hospital environment.

intra-hospital attending; simulated events; VF/VT

Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia - SBC Avenida Marechal Câmara, 160, sala: 330, Centro, CEP: 20020-907, (21) 3478-2700 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil, Fax: +55 21 3478-2770 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil