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Idiorrhytmical Levrero


My aim in the following essay is to explore some ressonances between the notion/concept of “idiorrhythmy”, formulated by Roland Barthes in his How to Live Togetheritalic> and the late works by the Uruguayan author Mario Levrero, focussing particularly on El discurso vacioitalic> and La novela luminosa. The conversation between these two authors, though somewhat tangential, reinforces an alternative to the sort of standard reading of Levrero, and highlights a certain operation of displacement in his work, which is related to the politics of the care of the self that the writing of such texts promote.

Idiorrhythmy; Self-writing; Barthes; Levrero

Programa de Pos-Graduação em Letras Neolatinas, Faculdade de Letras -UFRJ Av. Horácio Macedo, 2151, Cidade Universitária, CEP 21941-97 - Rio de Janeiro RJ Brasil , - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil