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The Works of Alberto da Veiga Guignard in Europe: 1919-1929


The artistic studies of the Brazilian painter Alberto da Veiga Guignard have been reconstituted from secondary sources, since researchers lost track of the works produced in his years of study in Germany, Italy, and France. In general, these studies considered the type of training practiced at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich, the paintings by old masters present in the museums of Munich and Florence that he possibly visited, the movements of the European avant-garde that influenced the youth of the time, among others. Our intention here is to signalize a way to recover his youth works, showing the few that have been found, and where is located the production prior to 1929, that could clarify Guignard’s steps during his years of training.

Alberto da Veiga Guignard; Brazilian Modernism; Munich Academy of Fine Arts; Brazilian Painting in Europe

Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo Depto. De Artes Plásticas / ARS, Av. Prof. Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, 443, 05508-900 - São Paulo - SP, Tel. (11) 3091-4430 / Fax. (11) 3091-4323 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil