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Self-assessment as a planning strategy in a graduate program


Self-assessment is characterized by a self-analysis process carried out collectively by the actors involved in the process, highlighting strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for improvement. Selfassessment represents a collective effort to implement a process of critical, democratic and participatory reflection. This article aims to present the process of formation and performance of the Self-Assessment Committee (SAC) of the Graduate Program in Health Sciences-Professional Master’s at the Universidade Federal de São Paulo in 2021 and 2022. A Self-Assessment Plan was developed by a working group constituted within the scope of SAC, with the participation of members of the Graduate Teaching Committee and an extended meeting with professors and students. The plan addressed the importance of self-assessment as a powerful strategy for planning and interventions in search of improvements to the program. To achieve its objectives, SAC based its actions on the PDSA proposal (plan-do-study-action). The process resulted in the involvement of different actors to create the Self-Assessment Plan and implement priority actions in the short and medium term.

self-assessment; graduate studies; teaching.

Publicação da Rede de Avaliação Institucional da Educação Superior (RAIES), da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) e da Universidade de Sorocaba (UNISO). Rodovia Raposo Tavares, km. 92,5, CEP 18023-000 Sorocaba - São Paulo, Fone: (55 15) 2101-7016 , Fax : (55 15) 2101-7112 - Sorocaba - SP - Brazil