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Andean cosmovision: ethical principles in acculturated, endoculturated and transculturalized people


The political changes that have taken place in Bolivia in the last fifty years have led to modifications in the participation of subalternized groups and changes in the ethical appreciation of life. This study aims to establish the bioethical behaviors of the Andean cosmovision in acculturated, endoculturated and transculturated people in La Paz, Bolivia. It is a mixed, exploratory, ethnographic, cross-sectional, comparative, synchronic, diachronic and systematic research, in which a questionnaire validated by experts (Cronbach’s alpha 0.932) was applied to 399 people (5.3% acculturated; 73.9%, endoculturated and 20.8%, transculturated). The results contrasted by hermeneutics obtained five categories, of which the category relationality was independent of acculturation (p=0.262); while the categories ecological awareness, complementarity, reciprocity, concept of health, social model and community depended on each other (p=0.000). It was found that the acculturated subjects from the rural area presented greater knowledge of ancestral ethics. The promotion of educational policies related to ethics is recommended.

Culture; Bioethics; Acculturation; Worldview; Cultural diffusion

Conselho Federal de Medicina SGAS 915, lote 72, CEP 70390-150, Tel.: (55 61) 3445-5932, Fax: (55 61) 3346-7384 - Brasília - DF - Brazil