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Optimized broad-range real-time PCR-based method for bacterial screening of platelet concentrates

Otimização de um método baseado em PCR em tempo real para rastreamento de bactérias em concentrados de plaquetas


Bacterial contamination of blood components remains a major challenge in transfusion medicine, particularly, platelet concentrates (PCs) due to the storage conditions that support bacterial proliferation. In this study, we develop a rapid, sensitive and specific real-time PCR protocol for bacterial screening of PCs. An internally controlled real-time PCR-based method was optimized and validated with our proprietary 16S Universal PCR Master Mix (IBMP/Fiocruz), which targets a conserved region of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. Nonspecific background DNA was completely eliminated by treating the PCR Master Mix with ethidium monoazide (EMA). A lower limit of detection was observed for 10 genome equivalents with an observed Ct value of 34±1.07 in calibration curve generated with 10-fold serial dilutions of E. coli DNA. The turnaround time for processing, including microbial DNA purification, was approximately 4 hours. The developed method showed a high sensitivity with no non-specific amplification and a lower time-to-detection than traditional microbiological methods, demonstrating it to be an efficient means of screening pre-transfusion PCs.

bacterial contamination; real-time PCR; molecular testing; platelet concentrates

Instituto Internacional de Ecologia R. Bento Carlos, 750, 13560-660 São Carlos SP - Brasil, Tel. e Fax: (55 16) 3362-5400 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil