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Evaluation of the applicability of a probiotic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in cereal bars


The objective of this study was to evaluate the use of a probiotic yeast in the production of a cereal bar, contributing to the production of an innovative functional food. For this, a chocolate mixture inoculated with 8 log10 viable yeast cells was spread onto the surface of the cereal bar. The physical, chemical and sensory parameters of the probiotic cereal bar were verified and the number of cells quantified up to the death of the yeast cells. The results showed that the presence of the yeast did not negatively affect the physical and chemical properties of the cereal bar. No preference was observed in relation to the bars without probiotic yeast for the sensorial parameters evaluated. The yeast remained alive (10 4 cells/g) for 45 days.

Microbial viability; Food technology; Sensory analysis; Proximate composition; Chocolate; Yeast

Instituto de Tecnologia de Alimentos - ITAL Av. Brasil, 2880, 13070-178 Campinas - SP / Brasil, Tel 55 19 3743-1762 - Campinas - SP - Brazil