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Yield stability of common bean cultivars of different commercial groups in Rio Grande do Sul State

The objective of this research was to evaluate the adaptability and yield stability of common bean cultivars for the cultivation in the Rio Grande do Sul State. Sixteen common bean cultivars of different commercial groups were evaluated in three growing seasons, in 20 environments, in the Rio Grande do Sul State. The adaptability and stability estimates were obtained for the methods of Eberhart and Russel and Lin and Binns, modified to Carneiro. Significative cultivars x environments interaction were observed for grain yield indicating different responses of the cultivars to the assayed locations and years. The results showed that the two methods gave similar results in the identification of cultivars with yield stability (Guapo Brilhante) and with adaptability to favorable environment (BRS Expedito e TPS Bonito). The Guapo Brilhante cultivar showed high grain yield, with adaptability and yield stability for cultivation in the Rio Grande do Sul State.

Phaseolus vulgaris L.; genotype x environment interaction; grain yield; adaptability; stability

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