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Research along post-graduation: the use of reflexive thinking on the informational literacy

The objective of this paper is to present the results of a PhD degree research carried out for identifying the type of relation between the reflexive thinking, as proposed by Dewey (1910) and the competencies used in searching and using the information in the scientific communication by education researchers and master and doctorate degree students. The theory lain down by Glasser and Strauss guided the methodological procedures for the research. Zeichner's and Liston's (1985) indicators of reflexive activity enabled to verify the type of the researchers' thought. The results show that a major part of the thought utilized in search and use of information is a non-reflexive type. The information literacy is influenced by experiences and feelings concerning research on basic education, on graduation, as well as by sharing projects of scientific initiation. Influence is also had by academic culture, teachers' attitude in relation to the search and use of information, concept of teaching-learning, infrastructure and costs of information. The relations present in this research are of multi-referential nature, what demands interdisciplinary instruments for solution of the problem.

Reflexive thinking; Information literacy; Seeking and using information; higher education; Information behavior

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