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Factors associated with the purchase of family farming products for national school feeding program in Minas Gerais in 2017, Brazil

Fatores associados à compra da agricultura familiar no Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar em Minas Gerais em 2017


The National School Feeding Program (in abbreviated Portuguese: PNAE) states that ≥30% of the amount transferred by the National Fund for Education Development (in abbreviated Portuguese: FNDE) to the executing entities should be used to purchase products made from Family Farming (FF). This study aimed to identify the municipal characteristics associated with the compliance of the municipalities of Minas Gerais (MG) to this target in 2017. For this, data on municipal purchases of FF for the PNAE were obtained from the FNDE’s website. Sociodemographic, economic, and agricultural characteristics of the municipalities were associated with compliance to the PNAE’s goal. Approximately half (55.07%) of the municipalities complied with the FF purchase target, wherein carrying out programs or actions to encourage organic agriculture (29.8% vs. 22.6%, p=0.018) were associated with a greater compliance to this target, presenting the official rural union registration (76.4% vs. 68.8%, p=0.026) and the Municipal Inspection Service: (35.6% vs. 29.1%, p=0.048). Overall, a low compliance to the goal was observed in MG municipalities, and associations between certain agricultural management characteristics and goal fulfillment were evidenced.

Key words:
family farming; school feeding; public policies; nutrition and food programs and policies; food and nutrition security

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Centro de Ciências Rurais , 97105-900 Santa Maria RS Brazil , Tel.: +55 55 3220-8698 , Fax: +55 55 3220-8695 - Santa Maria - RS - Brazil