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The risk of death by suicide in the Colombian population 2000-2013


The scope of this article is to analyze the risk of death by suicide in Colombia based on the covariables of sex, age group, year, region and/or department from 2000 to 2013. The databases of deaths by suicide and population projections of DANE were used. A longitudinal and analytical study was conducted. From 2000 to 2013, annual trends of deaths by suicide by means of modeling of covariables were established and risk estimates were collected. The Poisson regression model (PRM) was used. IRR was used according to the MRP with a level of significance of (P <0.05). Colombians between the years 2000-2013, male, 15 to 34 years old, from the Central and Eastern regions and from the Departments of Vaupés, Huila and Quindío were those with the highest risk of death by suicide. The suicide rate decreased slightly as the years went by. The highest risk of suicide occurred among men of productive age, older adults, and in underdeveloped regions. Colombia requires a mental health policy that implements strategies for primary care, health promotion and disease prevention, aimed at promoting the quality of life, detection of suicidal ideation, treatment and rehabilitation of these people from a comprehensive rights and care approach.

Suicide; Mortality; Relative risk; Colombia

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