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The impact of risk factors of non-communicable chronic diseases on quality of life

Quality of life has become an important yardstick of the impact on health. Its evaluation related to diseases and associated risk factors has increased in the population in general. This article seeks to assess the quality of life and the presence of the association with risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases in the urban population of the city of Montes Claros in the State of Minas Gerais. It is a population-based cross-sectional study. The sample was calculated considering the prevalence of risk factors of overweight of 30% and corrected for a variation of 30%. Cluster sampling was conducted on urban census sectors. Seventeen census sectors were selected and 648 residents aged e" 18 years were interviewed. The risk factors for non-communicable chronic diseases as well as the quality of life were verified using the SF-36 questionnaire. Some risk factors were associated with the lowest scores on the SF-36 questionnaire. The presence of some risk factors for chronic diseases has an impact on quality of life.

Quality of life; SF-36; Risk factors; Chronic disease

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