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Sayings from Veja magazine: Memory and intervocality in the composition of the aesthetics of the successful voice


This article aims to analyze how the aesthetics of successful reception are maintained. Specifically, we analyze the article from Veja magazine, Quem é Aurora, a cantora norueguesa citada pela Fuvest, published in 2019. As the dissemination of materialities on the voice produce subjects and meanings of success, we seek understand the functioning of the memories of the successful voice in tandem with the discursive fabric on the rising voice/subject. To this end, the notion of inter-discourse and the theoretical-methodological framework of French Discourse Analysis are used. Interdiscursivity is seen from the perspective of “intervocality” and uses the notion of pre-constructed success (Soares, 2018aSoares, T. B. (2018a). Sucesso: discursos contemporâneos de capitalização dos sujeitos. In T. B. Soares (Eds.). Múltiplas perspectivas em análise do discurso: objetos variados (pp. 169-203). Pedro & João Editores., 2018bSoares, T. B. (2018b). Vozes do sucesso: uma análise dos discursos sobre os vícios e virtudes da voz na mídia brasileira contemporânea. [Tese de doutorado]. Universidade Federal de São Carlos. (Acessado 21 de outubro, 2023).
, 2018cSoares, T. B. (2018c). Percurso linguísticos: conceitos, críticas e apontamentos. Pontes Editores.). As such, we intend to understand pre-constructed successes as a dynamic part of the process of achieving fame, while at the same time, giving new meaning to its functioning based on success as a constitutive memory of vocal aesthetics. As a result, we hope to understand the functioning of discursive media to answer how the maintenance of the aesthetics of reception largely comes from pre-constructed success, engendered in the networks of sayings about fame.

successful speeches; successful voice aesthetics; intervocality; success subjects

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP PUC-SP - LAEL, Rua Monte Alegre 984, 4B-02, São Paulo, SP 05014-001, Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3670-8374 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil