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Quantitative approach to the classification of Indo-European language

This work applies the biology cladistic methodology in the analysis of the classification of the Indo-European family of languages, through phonologic and morphologic characters of 12 linguistic families. For the phylogenetc analysis of the phonologic and morphologic data we use the method of maximum parsimony. Our results point to the existence of the traditional Indo-European languages sub-groups certified in the literature and indicate that one can exist an Italic-Celtic-Germanic supergroup.

Indo-European Languages; Cladistics; Maximum Parcimony Method

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo - PUC-SP PUC-SP - LAEL, Rua Monte Alegre 984, 4B-02, São Paulo, SP 05014-001, Brasil, Tel.: +55 11 3670-8374 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil