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Effect of carrier volume applied with a airblast sprayer on spray characteristics in citrus

The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of different carrier volume applied with an airblast sprayer on spray deposition on leaves, branch and fruits in citrus trees. It was used a trailed sprayer Arbus 200/Valência in an orange orchard, variety Natal, with 4,0 m mean height, and six volumes were evaluated (50; 70; 85; 100; 150 and 200% relative to the standard volume in use, 28 L plant-1). After spraying of regular plants with carrier containing copper and Poliglow 830 YLSS as fluorescent tracer, the samples were collected in nine localization of the tree. The evaluation of spray deposition was done with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer by analyze of copper ion. The evaluation of spray coverage was done by digitalized image which were analyzed with IDRISIS software. The analysis statistical showed that in the evaluation of spray coverage and deposition in citrus the use of fruits as sample made to evidence better the effect of the treatments. The spray coverage and deposition had been trend higher upon frontal horizontal sector and upon lower vertical sector of the tree. The spray coverage and deposition had not been prejudiced by the use of 70% rate (19.6 L plant-1) which indicates that this volume can replace the 100% rate (28.0 L plants-1) without disadvantage in the control periods.

deposition; coverage; spraying technology

Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola SBEA - Associação Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola, Departamento de Engenharia e Ciências Exatas FCAV/UNESP, Prof. Paulo Donato Castellane, km 5, 14884.900 | Jaboticabal - SP, Tel./Fax: +55 16 3209 7619 - Jaboticabal - SP - Brazil