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Thought-invention of a future teacher: bibliotherapy as an adrift practice of literary reading/writing in primary education



The text is a cartography, plans formulated in the encounter for those who experience reading practice beyond the conventional lines, a writing of a thought-invention that considers bibliotherapy as a poetic landscape of literary reading and writing in school. In this sense, the general objective is to reflect bibliotherapy as a possible literary reading/writing practice in school, focusing on the initial grades of basic education.


For this, we follow lines of the cartographic method (DELEUZE; GUATTARI, 1995) in an intertwined discussion that goes through several authors (bibliographic research), the ideas of the first author, who is the proponent of this study, guided by the second author. In a self-writing composition, the research follows, specifically, in two movements: the perception of literature at school and the act of a teaching posture combined with a researcher posture, in order to present bibliotherapy as a possible way of reading/writing and their contributions to literary learning.


In this junction of ideas, we show a future teacher, considering the place of teaching, who is the inventor of readers, as a movement of the environment, a being of the future of his/her practices.


Finally, we count on the reader's empathy to the words here exposed in order for bibliotherapy to be understood and legitimized as a part of the school domain, thus causing cracks and porosities in the rigid knowledge that transits in this environment about practices and learning that involve reading and literature, especially in primary education, which are spaces for this teacher’s/researcher’s invention.

Bibliotherapy; Primary Education; Literary Reading; Cartographic Method; Teacher in training

Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Campus Universitário Reitor João David Ferreira Lima - Trindade. CEP-88040-900, Telefone: +55 (48) 3721-2237 - Florianópolis - SC - Brazil