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The political implications of the institutionalization of deficiency

The social emphasis on the body exposes esthetical and productivity values, that establish the dominant normality patterns. A deficienty body is out of the established models, implying on a preconceptious and segregationist praxis. The assistentialist institution is one of the most efficient society mechanisms relating to the deficient individuals by identifying and keeping them isolated from the social acquaintanceship. Hidden by a discourse on the deficient protection and preparation to a possible social reintegration, the deficiency instituonalization protects more the society than its deficients.

Centro de Estudos Educação e Sociedade - Cedes Av. Berttrand Russel, 801 - Fac. de Educação - Anexo II - 1 andar - sala 2, CEP: 13083-865, +55 12 99162 5609, Fone / Fax: + 55 19 3521-6710 / 6708 - Campinas - SP - Brazil