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Assessment of sensorimotor disturbance in mechanical neck pain: a review

INTRODUCTION: Mechanical neck pain is a common health problem in general population including acute neck pain, wiplash injury, cervical dysfunction and neck-shoulder pain. Limitation in range of motion, muscular tension, headache, brachialgia, dizziness and others are the most common manifestations and can be aggravated by movements or maintained cervical posture. Recent studies describes alterations in cervical sensorymotor control showing cervical cinestesis disturbance with difficult in neck positioning, eye movement and balance. OBJECTIVES: Based in the literature review the aim of this study is to describe the manifestations and evaluation methods of the sensorymotor disturbs associated with mechanical neck pain. METHODS: To this review, medical scientific papers published from 1965 to 2009 were used. As a including criteria it was considered studies about mechanical neck pain, cervical proprioception, eye movement coordination and balance. There were not restrictions in language. For the selection, two independents examers selected the studies according with the scientific evidence preferring metanalysis and randomized controlled trials. RESULTS: From 119 studies 69 filled the including criteria and were selected. DISCUSSION: The muscular and articular commitment of the cervical spine, the aging process, and mechanical neck pain were considered to be the most important factors to cause sensorymotor disturbance and should be considered as perpetuating factor. CONCLUSION: Alterations in visual, cervical proprioception and balance may be investigated in the physicaltherapist examination of all the patients with mechanical neck pain complaint.

Neck pain; Kinesthesis; Physical examination; Review literature

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1155 - Prado-Velho -, Curitiba - PR - CEP 80215-901, Telefone: (41) 3271-1608 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil