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Influence of postural alterations, followed by computadorized photogrammetry, in the voice production

INTRODUCTION: There are notable evidences of the importance of a good posture for a good vocal performance. The postural alterations can influence directly at the voice production. OBJECTIVES: To identify the influence of the different corporal postures in the voice production. MATERIALS AND METHODS: It was made the analysis of 25 vocal samples of one subject who emitted the vocal sustained /a/ in three different corporal postures: a) normal alignment; b) cervical spine extension associated with forward head position; c) increased thoracic kyphosis associated with forward head position. The subject was photographed simultaneously of the recording process. To make sure that the subject was always in the same position, the postures were followed by computadorized photogrammetry by the program Corel Draw 10™. RESULTS: The results of the photogrammetry were analyzed by Levene’s test which didn’t show significant differences on eight of the nine studied angles. The voice was analyzed by acoustic analysis and subjective perceptual speech analysis. The acoustic was analyzed by Anova and Tukey’s test which showed difference to the variable jitter - related to voice quality - between postures A and B. The comparison of the postures A and B and A and C by the perceptual speech analysis showed changes on the pitch, worsening in the voice quality and resonance. CONCLUSIONS: The changes found on the voice prove that the best way to produce the sound is at the straight posture. The physical therapist is the indicated professional for the postural orientations and correction of bad postures.

Posture; Photogrammetry; Voice

Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1155 - Prado-Velho -, Curitiba - PR - CEP 80215-901, Telefone: (41) 3271-1608 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil