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Effect of the motivational factor on lean manufacturing performance: the case of a multinational consumer goods company

Impactos do fator motivacional no desempenho da manufatura enxuta: o caso de uma multinacional de bens de consumo


The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of the motivational factor on the results obtained after implementing a lean manufacturing system in a multinational consumer goods manufacturing company. Key performance indicator data were collected from three production lines during periods before and after lean manufacturing implementation. Unstructured interviews were conducted, and the Motivation and Work Meaning Inventory (MWMI) instrument was applied. The motivational factors were then correlated with the performance indicators. The results provide evidence to support the hypothesis, based on the literature, that the motivational factor in work teams in a lean implementation process will affect the degree of success of the process. It was also confirmed that after implementation of the program, there was a significant improvement in the lines’ operational performance.

Behavioral management operations; Lean manufacturing; Motivation

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil