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Project design and development in indigenous communities: a literature review

Formulação de projetos para desenvolvimento em comunidades indígenas: revisão de literatura


Project development in indigenous communities is one of the mechanisms for developing territories, economy, and culture. This article aims to review project design and development in indigenous communities from a bibliographic perspective, following the methodology proposed by Cronin et al. (2008). Published scientific papers about project design in these communities are used. Accordingly, various studies focused on analyzing projects developed in indigenous communities, from community development to socio-cultural and indigenous entrepreneurship are found. Project design in indigenous communities must be done to ensure the success of the project and the achievement of the proposed objectives through social capital, the participation of all community members, social innovation, and multigenerational understanding of the linkages among products, people, and ecosystems. In addition, the relevance of the process is acknowledged by valuing the particularities of the indigenous population, which leads to an allusion to concepts such as indigenous planning, a key element in project design. Likewise, the relevant topics for future research aimed at the conception of indigenous territories and their articulation with territorial and sustainable development are considered.

Community-based development; Indigenous projects; Project design; Indigenous-based entrepreneurship

Universidade Federal de São Carlos Departamento de Engenharia de Produção , Caixa Postal 676 , 13.565-905 São Carlos SP Brazil, Tel.: +55 16 3351 8471 - São Carlos - SP - Brazil