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Osmotic and heat treatments to control fungi associated with seeds of Brazilian cherry (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.) and Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.)

Seeds of Brazilian cherry (Eugenia brasiliensis Lam.) and Surinam cherry (Eugenia uniflora L.) are intolerant to desiccation and their high water content allows the proliferation of fungi, accelerating their deterioration. Due to the lack of fungicides registered for such species further studies on alternative methods should be carried out. The present work was aimed at analyzing the effects of heat and osmotic treatments on the mycota and seed viability of Brazilian cherry and Surinam cherry. We analyzed the effect of heat treatment (55 and 60 °C for 30, 120, or 150 minutes) and osmotic treatment (polyethylene glycol solutions at -3.4 and -4.0 MPa), each tested individually or in combination and also with or without reapplication throughout seed storage. Our results showed that heat treatment was more efficient than osmotic treatment for most fungi, except for Fusarium sp. The combination of both treatments produced favorable results and their reapplication may enhance the control of seed-borne fungi during storage.

alternative control; conservation; seed pathology

Instituto de Pesquisas Ambientais Av. Miguel Stefano, 3687 , 04301-902 São Paulo – SP / Brasil, Tel.: 55 11 5067-6057, Fax; 55 11 5073-3678 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil