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Support for diversification of housing for people with severe mental disorders in Brazil: a review

Because of criticism of so-called mental hospitals, a variety of housing initiatives for people being discharged from psychiatric hospitals have needed to be implemented in different countries. In this paper, from a narrative review, we analyzed the background to and establishment of homes for people with severe mental disorders implemented in Brazil, through the Brazilian National Health System. We found that there had been little discussion about the limits of the residential therapeutic service program, and almost no discussion about alternatives for the housing needs of severely ill patients connected with psychosocial care centers. With support from reflections derived from Canadian experience, we discuss the need for and possible ways of expanding the forms of support for housing for people with severe mental disorders in Brazil, not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively.

Public health; Program evaluation; Mental health; Assisted living facilities

UNESP Distrito de Rubião Jr, s/nº, 18618-000 Campus da UNESP- Botucatu - SP - Brasil, Caixa Postal 592, Tel.: (55 14) 3880-1927 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil