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Prevention of problematic drug use in schools: teacher training strategy in Argentina using ICT

Starting in 2010, our team has designed and coordinated a virtual course on problematic drug use, for teachers, commissioned by the Ministry of Education in Argentina. So far, the course has been run three times, with participation from around 6.000 teachers across the country. In this article, it was sought: a) to analyze the teachers' discourse in order to identify their positions relating to drug use; b) to reflect on the implications of these discursive positions for development of health promotion strategies in schools. To analyze the corpus, we followed the guidelines of grounded theory and identified two major discursive positions: a negational single-dimensional model and a reflective multidimensional model. While the former leads to disengagement among teachers and their schools in addressing these issues, the latter aims to generate school spaces for dialogue and recognition between adults and adolescents.

Schools; Faculty; Adolescent; Education distance; Speeches about drug use

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