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Connecting and sharing: biosociality among cancer patients

Practices of sharing and socializing autobiographical accounts of illness are a contemporary method subjects can use to relate to themselves and to the other. This movement unveils other ways of being in the world. We analyzed connecting and sharing practices – and the scope and rationality that spur them – activated by cancer patients on two occasions (first, a discussion list and, second, a guide), highlighting their implications for subjectivity and contemporary biosociality. The hypothesis is that the emergence of a connection device made certain types of illness at the same time intelligible, practicable, and governable.

Device; Subjectivity; Communication; Cancer; Biosociality

UNESP Distrito de Rubião Jr, s/nº, 18618-000 Campus da UNESP- Botucatu - SP - Brasil, Caixa Postal 592, Tel.: (55 14) 3880-1927 - Botucatu - SP - Brazil