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Porto Murtinho: possibilities for implementing experience tourism, innovation and competitiveness in the Bioceánico Corridor

Porto Murtinho: possibilidades de implantação de turismo de experiência, inovação e competitividade no Corredor Bioceânico

Porto Murtinho: posibilidades para implementar turismo de experiencias, innovación y competitividad en el Corredor Bioceánico


The peculiar characteristics of a locality can contribute to it becoming an important source of interest for tourism. Investments in offering qualified services, innovations and unique experiences are associated with generating competitive advantage and strengthening the attractiveness of tourist destinations. The main objective of this study was to identify the main favorable and unfavorable factors for the development of tourism in an axis municipality of the Bioceanic Rout, Porto Murtinho. To this end, we focus on qualitative research, especially in documental survey, on-site observation and dialogue with the community. Our investigation process took place through the evaluation of documents, interviews and dialogical and observational experiences in loco. Our results showed that Porto Murtinho is rapidly moving towards a moment of collision with the challenges presented by the Bioceanic Rout. The constitution of a Tourism Management Nucleus, as well as the creation of the Municipal Fund for Tourism, the potential of birdwatching tourism and sport fishing, in addition to the receptiveness of the murtinense community, represent business opportunities for the municipality. On the other hand, the lack of professional qualification, the absence of sections of the main tourism associative entities and the deficit in the offer of tourist products, are aspects that need diligent attention and can make the consolidation of experience tourism unfeasible.

experience tourism; Bioceanic Route; Porto Murtinho

Universidade Católica Dom Bosco Av. Tamandaré, 6000 - Jd. Seminário, 79117-900 Campo Grande- MS - Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 67) 3312-3373/3377 - Campo Grande - MS - Brazil