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Hearing evaluation in children aged 3-6 years in day-care centers

OBJECTIVE: to estimate the prevalence of deafness in children 3-6 years old in day-care centers of São José do Rio Preto, SP, Brazil. METHODS: we used free-field audiometry to screen 103 children from 8-selected day-care centers. Children with abnormal examination results were referred to the speech therapy outpatient service to undergo pure-tone conventional audiometry. We adopted the WHO classification for degree of deafness. RESULTS: audiometric dysfunctions were present in 10 children (9.70%; SD=0.96) with one boy showing left ear mild conductive hearing loss (mean LE=35 dB), while 9 children (8.73%; SD=2.78) showed alterations in air-conduction threshold in 4000, 6000 or 8000 sharp frequencies. Out of 102 children (99.03%; SD=0.96), 55 boys (53.39%; SD=4.9) and 47 girls (45.64%; SD=4.9) presented no hearing loss according to the WHO criteria. CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence of 9.7% audiometric dysfunctions found in this study indicates that deafness prevention programs should be organized.

deafness; audiometry; child day-care centers

Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, 90480-000 Porto Alegre RS Brazil, Tel.: +55 51 3328-9520 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil