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Pediatric cervicofacial actinomycosis: Case report and review of the literature

Objective: To emphasize important features in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with childhood cervical actinomycosis. Subject and methods: This study is a case report about the occurrence of actinomycosis in cervicofacial form. We conducted literature review of the last years by means of the Lilacs and Medline databases. Results: A male patient was monitored in an infirmary of pediatric infectious diseases. The diagnosis was made through cervical node biopsy and isolation of the bacteria. Specific penicillin for actinomycosis had been given to the patient for 14 days. After the node decreased, the patient was released but, at the same time, a prescription of amoxycillin, for the minimum of 6 months, was given to him with simultaneous ambulatorial monitoring. Conclusion: Early diagnosis of actinomycosis enables appropriate and prompt treatment, thus preventing the involvement of other areas such as CNS, face, and neck.

Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria Av. Carlos Gomes, 328 cj. 304, 90480-000 Porto Alegre RS Brazil, Tel.: +55 51 3328-9520 - Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil