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Hyperproteic supplementation attenuates muscle damage after simulated Olympic cross-country mountain biking competition: a randomized case-control study



We investigated the effect of high-protein (HI-PRO - 70% protein and 30% carbohydrate) and high-carbohydrate supplementation (HI-CHO - 70% carbohydrate and 30% protein) on muscle damage, haemoglobin, immune response, perceived pain and recovery post-simulated XCO.


For this,10 amateur athletes (38±9.6 yrs.) were measured pre-, post- and 24-h post-trial.


In comparison to the pre-trial, the post-trial athletes presented leucocytosis (p≤0.001; 14.7±6.1 and 13.6±5.6 cells x103; for HI-PRO and HI-CHO, respectively) and neutropenia (p≤0.001; 11.9±5.2 and 10.7±4.9 cells x103; for HI-PRO and HI-CHO, respectively) but recovered at 24-h post-trial (Leukocytes: 6.9±1.4 and 7.1±1.4 cells x103; for HI-PRO and HI-CHO, respectively; neutrophils: 3.6±1.2 and 3.9±1.1 cells x103; for HI-PRO and HI-CHO, respectively) without a difference between conditions (p=0.808 and p=0.531; for leukocytes and neutrophils, respectively). A similar result was observed for perceived pain and recovery, where the condition did not interfere with these variables between the o measurement moments (p=0.245 and p=0.491; for pain and recovery respectively). There was an interaction effect for lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), where HI-PRO presented a lower serum concentration 24-h post-trial compared to HI-CHO (p=0.039; 181.3±21.9 and 201.0±10.4 IU/L; for HI-PRO and HI-CHO, respectively).


HI-PRO supplementation results in better muscle damage recovery but only for LDH. Athletes should evaluate the cost-benefit of choosing the nutrients to be consumed immediately post-training or competition.

mountain biking; whey-protein; carbohydrate; supplementation; recovery

Universidade Estadual Paulista Universidade Estadual Paulista, Av. 24-A, 1515, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3526-4330 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil