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Cardiovascular risk factors in students from Tri-Border Region

This study identified cardiovascular risk factors (CRF) in students from Tri-Border Region: Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay. Study participants were 1.183 adolescents of both sexes, ages from 15 to 18 years, who completed a questionnaire to identify the CRF. The proportion of adolescents with four or more CRF was 65.2%. Brazilian male adolescents had the highest prevalence of insufficiently active (78.3%), while the low consumption of vegetables (39.4%) and high time in sedentary activities (83.1%) were higher in Argentinean male adolescents. Paraguayan female adolescents had the highest proportion of insufficiently active (83.0%), while the high time in TV and media, low consumption of fruit, alcohol consumption and the clustering of four or more CRF were higher in Argentinean female adolescents (38.3%, 92.5%, 59.7% and 69.2%, respectively). These results may contribute to policies of healthy lifestyle promotion in the Tri-Border Region.

Adolescent behavior; Youth; Argentina; Brazil; Paraguay

Universidade Estadual Paulista Universidade Estadual Paulista, Av. 24-A, 1515, 13506-900 Rio Claro, SP/Brasil, Tel.: (55 19) 3526-4330 - Rio Claro - SP - Brazil