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Double and identification in adolescence: a clinical case

The author explores the identification processes that operate in the constitution of the subject. Through a clinical case, the unconscious mechanisms involved in what Freud called the "appropriation" of the qualities and characteristics of the other are presented. Discussing the theme of the double in adolescence, the author arrives at the unconscious origins of the identification process, displaying the relevance of the ancestral phantoms, that is, of unconscious identificatory elements that are transmitted from generation to generation and that take place in the process of identification of each human being. In the study of the clinical case, she faces the unconscious ancestral fantasies that lead to this identification, congregating familiar history and the events lived by the subject.

adolescence; double; identification; subjectivity

Departamento de Psicologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 - Gávea, 22453-900 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Tel.: (55 21) 3527-1185 / 3527-1186, Fax: (55 21) 3527-1187 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil