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Memory, heritage and information: dialogues within a core discipline


The reformulation of ECI-UFMG’s Graduate Program in Information Science involved the insertion of new collaborators and the need to rethink the pedagogical project. In this context, it was decided to create core disciplines, to create a shared ground that could support the work of reflection and investigation. Within the scope of the research line “Social memory, heritage and knowledge production”, I was actively involved in the design and offering of the discipline “Memory, heritage and information”. I propose here to examine its guidelines, centered on both providing a solid basis for the understanding of the constitution and transformation of the fields that it emphasizes and offering a representative recollection of most innovative researches and hot topics at the present time. We will draw a synthesis of the expository classes and seminars in order to explain its main course, to conclude with a general appreciation of what was done within the discipline. As we shall show, the reformulation carried out in 2016, therefore, did not emerge in the void, but on land that had already received the first seeds. A nuclear discipline represents the best fertilizer so that we can harvest good crops in the near future.

Memory; Heritage; Information Science; Graduate Program teaching

Escola de Ciência da Informação da UFMG Antonio Carlos, 6627 - Pampulha, 31270- 901 - Belo Horizonte -MG, Brasil, Tel: 031) 3499-5227 , Fax: (031) 3499-5200 - Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil