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Adoption and Psychoanalysis: Listening to the Desire of Filiation


This article is the result of a field research; a qualitative study carried out with ten couples enrolled in adoption process in the Childhood and Youth court of Campina Grande-PB. It aimed to analyze the significant and expectations attributed to the adoption by postulant couples to adopt. Semi structured interviews were carried out with the couples and later performed the discourse analysis guided by the theoretical and methodological assumptions of psychoanalysis, privileging the most repeated significant in the statements. Adoption was considered an act of help and love towards a child, envisioned as a possibility to build a family. Adoption proved as a possible solution before the dissatisfaction of not being able to bear a child, understood by the couples as a means to be able to experience happiness through paternity and/or maternity via adoption. Still, infertility /sterility proved to be one of the main causes in pursuit of adoption. In this perspective, the significant presented in the couples’ speech revealed the importance of listening to the subjective constructions about the desire to adopt, and to provide a space for the elaboration of these issues. This study can develop bases for discussions and reflections for judiciary professionals, including psychologists, dealing with the demands for enabling adopters, and thus, guide practices to alleviating children return situations in the process of adoption.

Parenting; Candidate for adoption; Children and Juvenile Courts; Psychoanalysis

Conselho Federal de Psicologia SAF/SUL, Quadra 2, Bloco B, Edifício Via Office, térreo sala 105, 70070-600 Brasília - DF - Brasil, Tel.: (55 61) 2109-0100 - Brasília - DF - Brazil