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From Hypnosis to the Interpretation: Aspects of the Genesis and Evolution of a Practice


The present paper searches to articulate conceptual aspects of the evolution of the Freudian psychoanalytic practice regarding, fundamentally, the path between the use of hypnosis and the beaconing of interpretation. In constant joints of the Freudian technique with perspectives of current authors, scopes are delimited and transformations and crucial inflections of the praxis throughout the Freudian passage are distinguished. Initially, the text focuses on the first writings produced by Freud, in a retrospect of the technic progress to the consolidation of the interpretative method. The evolution of the psychoanalysis technique, its limits, and the proper effectiveness of the hypnosis and interpretation as a technic resource are discussed. The text still provides important subsidies, assists on the points of significant questions of psychoanalysis structure, contemplating (1) the reason for which the psyche for as many times reveals itself as impenetrable, (2) how the removal of the repressed material moves the affection and (3) how the limits of the technique of psychoanalysis evolution are outlined.

Freud; Psychoanalytic Interpretation; Metapsychology; Psychoanalysis

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