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Teaching in Higher Education: which knowledges to mobilize to train teachers? 1 1 Responsible Editor: Wivian Weller. 2 2 Normalização, preparação e revisão textual: Piero Younan Kanaan (Tikinet) 3 3 English version: Roberto Cândido – 4 4 Acknowledgements: To the Ceara Foundation for the Improvement of Scientific and Technological Development for supporting research groups PS1-0186-00218.01.00/21 and to the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development for funding the project No. 420121/2022-6


This article analized some teaching knowledges in order to understand which of them are mobilized by the pedagogical practice in higher education, since they are considered essential for teacher training in undergraduate programs. A qualitative study was conducted, whose data, collected with an online questionnaire answered by 25 professors of undergraduate programs at the School of Education of Crateús of the State University of Ceará, were processed by the IRaMuTeQ software and interpreted considering analytical prescriptions from Bardin. The results inferred that, respectively, the knowledges considered most important are: pedagogical knowledge, political knowledge, technical-professional knowledge, and practical knowledge. They were analyzed considering the four emerging categories: implementation of teaching knowledge; teaching knowledge in face of the challenges of the teacher’s work; relevance of teaching knowledge; and acquisition and development of teaching knowledge. In conclusion, teaching knowledge, in its plurality, in order to enhance the educational praxis, must be fostered from the initial training, being improved continuously.

Teacher training; Undergraduate program; Teaching knowledge; Educational praxis; Pedagogical practice

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