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Myths and facts in teaching of projective techniques

The aim of this study was to clarify misunderstandings commonly found in the teaching of projective techniques. Three themes were developed: the myth of psychoanalysis' exclusivity on these instruments, the revaluation of the naming of the techniques, and the myth of lack of validity. It was found that there are publications supporting the use of such techniques by psychologists of various approaches, exemplifying with a test developed by behaviorist Skinner. The possibility of a new terminology, questioned by other researchers, was presented. In addition, the review concluded that the techniques demonstrated scientific criteria in various contexts of Psychology.

Psychological assessment; Projective techniques; Validity

Universidade de São Francisco, Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Psicologia R. Waldemar César da Silveira, 105, Vl. Cura D'Ars (SWIFT), Campinas - São Paulo, CEP 13045-510, Telefone: (19)3779-3771 - Campinas - SP - Brazil