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Quantitative analysis of testicular echogenicity by technical histogram in sheep of the western lowland region of Maranhão, Brazil

Ultrasound is a diagnostic imaging method that allows a no invasive evaluation of different organs and body structures. However, the personal evaluation of images is one of the major hampers in using this technique. In order to reduce this drawback, it is necessary to find out tools that can help diminish the divergence in the interpretation of sonographic findings. Therefore, this study aimed to identify features of the parenchyma's and mediastinum's testis of sheep echogenicity using the technique of gray scale histogram. 30 animals were divided into three groups according to age (FE): three to six months (FE1), seven to 12 months (FE2), 13 to 18 months (FE3). The testicular scans were performed in the frontal, sagital and transverse views, and the gray scale histograms were analyzed. It was observed that such parenchymal as the mediastinum testis echogenicity gradually increased with the aging of the animals, with mean and standard deviation of 95.00±19.05 and 94.35±18.82 for the echogenicity parenchyma of the right and left antimere, respectively, and 127.95±12.97 to 126.59±11.78, for the right and the left mediastinum. The technique of gray scale histogram was an efficient method for determination of testicular echogenicity, enabling the establishment of normal standards that may assist future research in monitoring testicular development as well as for detecting pathologies. For exclusive regimes of extensive farming, as the western lowland region of Maranhão, is a valuable tool for use in social projects of the State to attend the family farm.

Testicular echogenicity; mediastinum testis; testicular parenchyma; microlithiasis; testicular tunics.

Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal - CBPA Pesquisa Veterinária Brasileira, Caixa Postal 74.591, 23890-000 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil, Tel./Fax: (55 21) 2682-1081 - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - Brazil