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Evaluation of the total concentration and the bioaccessible fraction of metals in samples of grape skins of cultivars Tannat and Cabernet Sauvignon by MIP OES

This paper describes the evaluation of the total concentration of Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Pb e Zn and the bioaccessible fraction of Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in samples of grape skins from different cultivars (Vitis Viníferas Tannat and Cabernet Sauvignon) by MIP OES. For the determination of total concentration, acid decomposition with a reflux system adapted to the digestion tubes in the oxidizing medium of HNO3 and H2O2 were used. The accuracy of the method was verified by recovery tests, whose values ranged from 80 to 120%, as well as through a comparative method in closed system. Bi, Cd and Cr showed values for total content below the LOD or below the values acceptable for health while Pb is higher than 0.2 mg kg-1, for both cultivars. To evaluate the bioacessible fraction, the gastrointestinal system was simulated using an in vitro procedure, and its performance was assessed considering the bioaccessible fraction (supernatant) and the non-bioaccessible fraction, whose sum should be closed to the total concentration, and the results obtained were between 81 and 120%. Both cultivars showed similar values for the bioaccessible fractions (~13.5 – 53% of the total content).

grape skin; Tannat and Cabernet Sauvignon; metals; total concentration; bioaccessibility

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