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Total syntheses of enokipodins

Enokipodins comprises a family of sesquiterpenes isolated from the mushroom Flammulina velutipes. These substances are attractive synthetic targets due to either their biological potential or structural characteristics. Since their isolation, about a decade ago, a considerable number of successful total syntheses have been published. Both via a racemic or enantioselective approach, these studies describe original and creative synthetic routes, particularly concerning the methodology used for constructing the benzylic quaternary center of these natural products. In this brief review, we discuss the reported total synthesis of enokipodins, focusing on the strategy adopted for the quaternary stereogenic center.

enokipodins; quaternary center; enantioselective synthesis

Sociedade Brasileira de Química Secretaria Executiva, Av. Prof. Lineu Prestes, 748 - bloco 3 - Superior, 05508-000 São Paulo SP - Brazil, C.P. 26.037 - 05599-970, Tel.: +55 11 3032.2299, Fax: +55 11 3814.3602 - São Paulo - SP - Brazil