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Processos de aprendizagem e acumulação de competências tecnológicas: evidências de uma empresa de bens de capital no Brasil

This paper focuses on the implications of the intra-firm learning processes for technological capability accumulation. Drawing on a single case study methodology, this relationship is examined in Kvaerner Pulping do Brasil (1980-2000). The framework for capability accumulation, tailored to the capital goods industry - supplier of equipment and complete plants for pulp and paper mills - identifies three technological functions: engineering activities and project management, operational processes and practices, and process equipment. The framework for learning identifies four learning processes (external and internal knowledge acquisition, knowledge socialization and codification), examined in the light of four features. The study has found different types and levels of innovative capability in the case-study firm. In line with previous studies, this article suggests that the way and speed at which the firm accumulated these capabilities can be explained by the way it managed its learning processes over time. On the other hand, the evidence in this study argues against certain common generalizations relative to technological development in the capital goods industry in Brazil.

technological capability accumulation; learning processes; latecomer firms

Associação Nacional de Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa em Administração Av. Pedro Taques, 294,, 87030-008, Maringá/PR, Brasil, Tel. (55 44) 98826-2467 - Curitiba - PR - Brazil